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Steve A

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Everything posted by Steve A

  1. If you're having trouble signing in to your Trumba account: First, verify that you're using the correct email address and password. If your credentials are correct and you still can't sign in, click this link to force a full sign out. Then, try signing in again. If you're still having trouble, please use your browser settings to delete all cookies. Then restart the browser, and try signing in again. You can also email Support@corp.trumba.com and they can assist you.
  2. According to our in-house legal departments review of this question, Trumba Corporation adheres to the Email privacy laws as well as the rules outlined by the Federal Trade Commission. To protect the privacy rights of the owner of an email address, any communication of an OPT out request, other than to Trumba Corporation where the email address is flagged to opt out from an email distribution list, would be in violation of the privacy rights for the person that owns that email address. When a person has subscribed to an email and/or they opt out, for personal privacy, they may not want anyone to know they have opted out from receiving an email and it is their right to that privacy. Trumba has adopted this privacy policy and Trumba email functionality is designed around this type of privacy protection for an end user.
  3. Issue: When importing an ICS file, the "Our Bad" error appears. Solution: Open the ICS file in a text editor such as Notepad. The ICS file may have a malformed new line characters in it: "\n". Remove these from the ICS file by performing a Find/Replace (with nothing or a space) and resave the file and it will then import correctly in to Trumba.
  4. When you use Trumba event registration with the Open Sign Up option enabled on the event registration tab, you see a Sign Up button next to the event title on the published calendar/event details. If you do not use the wait list options, once the event reaches the registration limit the icon will display as Event is full. The event will remain visible on the calendar. This button, along with the Sign Up and Wait List are customizable buttons (and the labels can also be customized) so you can create and upload your own button for various calendar views as well as the event detail views.
  5. We have the ability to hide the "new" and "changed" indicators on the digest (daily, weekly) emails that go out from your published calendars. You will need to be using the List Email template and not the Classic Email template. To turn off these indicators, select your published calendar so it has a black check mark and click Publish>Email tab and from here if you have not set up the List Calendar Email template. If you have already set up the Calendar Email template, click Edit Settings & Styles for the List Calendar Email. Select the New/Updated Events tab. On this page you can set Show updated events from Yes to No and click OK to save your changes.
  6. The Month List control spud includes settings for customization. The Month List control spud can be found under the Publishing Control panel on the Control Spuds tab. When you select Add a Control Spud, you will see this spud that you can include on your webpage. This spud works well when positioned directly above the main calendar spud and allows a site visitor a quick way to navigate to different months on your calendar, instead of having to click the navigation buttons that are above/below the main calendar.
  7. Here is a tip on using Trumba with Word Press that I wanted to pass along. One way to get around WP’s non-support of Javascript is to create an include and/or HTMLl file that has just the code they require for the instance of the calendar (which can be as much as an entire “page” with tables, calendar spud, control spud, and then place it on your own web server. On the template page you can created in Word Press, use iFrames to reference the file and pull it into WordPress by this means. Here is the iFrame code they used in the WP page template: <iframe frameborder="0" style="width:750px;height:1200px" src="https://www.trumba.com/calendars/trumbau" scrolling="auto"></iframe>
  8. The Timezone Picker Unlabeled Control Spud, is a spud that should be used on your website if your calendar includes events happening in multiple time zones and also allows visitors to change the timezone that events are displayed in as Trumba will automatically display the times of the events in that timezone. If you would like the Timezone Picker Control Spud to remember the timezone selected by the user so they do not have to select the timezone each time they visit your calendar, you can enable the option to "Remember visitor timezone" by selecting Edit Settings & Styles for the Timezone Picker Control Spud and changing the option to "Yes".
  9. While the sorting of an RSS Feed is typically handled by the RSS Reader (browser), we offer a setting in the RSS Feed setting called "Publish Date Source". By default we will display the Event Start Date and we have seen this setting can cause some RSS Readers to reverse the order of your RSS Feed. What you can do is change this setting to "No Publish Date" and your RSS Feeds should now display in the correct order.
  10. Most of our promotion spuds can be configured to display events in both ascending and descending order. This allows the promotion spuds to be used to publish news and announcements in addition to events. Within the settings for the Promotion spuds, select the Descending (Past) option:
  11. Most calendars have several ongoing/recurring events and sometimes it makes sense to have two calendars, one for one-time events and the other for ongoing/recurring events. This way you can publish both calendars or publish each calendar on separate pages. By doing this you can then create promotion spuds to display just the ongoing events. Another idea for you if you do not want to set up another calendar is to set up a custom field, for example "Type of Event" and you could create a value called "Ongoing Event" and another value for "One time event". When you are adding events to your calendar you will then tag the event to be an "Ongoing" or "One time event". By tagging these events with a value, you can then set up a Filter Control Spud to allows a visitor to display ongoing events on the calendar in addition to the one time events. Here is a help topic with more details. You can take this one step further and in addition to the steps above, you can set up a Filter View so when a person views the calendar you can hide the Ongoing events and only display the one-time events.
  12. Trumba allows for event image resizing or cropping across supported promotion spuds and calendar views. You will see this for the Photo Upcoming Spud as well as a few of the Calendar Views. You can have the images automatically scale down to a specific width or height that you specify instead of having to resize the image prior to adding them to your events. For example, if you select Publish Settings>Promotion Spuds tab and then click Edit Settings & Styles for the Promotion Spud you will see these Image Options. If you change this to “Reduce” and set the width to 100 (Pixels) then all event images will be scaled to this width. The option to Show image placeholder will automatically add a space (blank image) to the left of the event information. For example, here is promotion spud with no image placeholder and you can see the events with no images stay flush left: Here is the same promotion spud using an image placeholder and the event are indented: If you are allowing image submissions using the Event Submission Form, you won’t have to worry about having to manually resize the images for the events as you can control them by the calendar settings and promotion spud settings. Event submitters can submit any image size and they will automatically scale to the width or height you specify in your calendar and promotion spuds. Tip: I like to set the border and background to “ transparent” in case the event image you add is smaller than the preferred size it will prevent a background color from showing through around the edges of the images and look cleaner. Also, the event image can also appear on the event detail page by default when no default image is added. The Detail Image size is set under the Event Image section under Publish Settings>Calendar Spuds tab>Edit Settings & Styles for the Event Detail. Typically the recommended width is no wider than the width of the main calendar spud.
  13. We do offer a Custom Email Sender option. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Trumba Support and we can help you determine if this can be set up on your account.
  14. For this Promotion Spud, there is a setting for "Events per page". When the value is set to one (1) this tells the spud to only show 1 event continuously. Since there is more than 1 event on the calendar that should be fading in and out on this spud, you want to increase this to possibly 2 or more. You can go higher depending on how many events you want the spud to "cycle" through. In addition to this setting, you can also edit the Fader Settings for the "Events per group". The default is set to 5 and you may want to change this to 1, which tells the spud to only display 1 event at a time.
  15. When you get yourself in to a situation like this, what has happened is that the events now become “orphans” as the owning calendar has been deleted, however the events were also tagged to “Also Show On” one or more calendars. When this happens, the events do not get deleted when the owning calendar is deleted as the events are still connected to one or more calendars. To correct this you can either open up each event one at a time (like you were doing) and remove the Also Shows On check marks, or follow these steps: 1. Open up one of these events within Trumba and you will see the Owning Calendar states it is owned by “Deleted Calendar”. 2. Directly below this area you will see the Also Shows On section and there will be one or more calendars checked in this list that you want to identify. Cancel out of the event so you are back to your Trumba editing environment. 3. Select one of the calendars that you identified in Step 2 so it appears with a black check mark, and uncheck all other calendars so no green check marks appear. 4. In the search field, type in either the event title or keywords from the event you want to remove and click Go. You should now see all of the events matching your search which are the events you want to remove from your calendar. 5. Change your editing view to “List” view and within this view, click Select All and all of the events on this page (up to 100 per page) will be automatically checked with a check mark. 6. In the drop down menu above the selections, select the option "Remove events from “<calendarname>” and then click Go. If you have several of these events in the past or in to the future, you will want to click the small arrows above the selection area to move forward/back and then repeat steps 5 and 6 until all of these events are removed.
  16. I have heard it works best to disable the editing environment in Joomla when adding in Trumba spuds as clients have reported having the editing environment enabled edits/changes the Trumba javascript code preventing the Trumba spuds from loading on pages. I have not used Joomla, so unfortunately I am not well versed, so any feedback from other Trumba users using Joomla is appreciated! One error I have been hearing about is the following error when attempting to view a HTML page created in Joomla 1.5x that contains Trumba spuds: HTML Parsing Error: "Unable to modify the parent container" error, (with a specific line in the code that is causing the error) when loading the main calendar spud in Trumba using Joomla 1.5x The solution was to go to libraries/joomla/html/html/behavior.php located under the Joomla install root and edit the line of code specified in the error message and you want to locate this line of code: $tooltipInit = ' window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ var JTooltips = new Tips($$(\''.$selector.'\'), '.$options.'); });'; Replace 'domready' with 'load' and it should eliminate the error so the Trumba spuds can load properly. That is all of the information we currently have on Joomla issues that are being reported.
  17. There is currently not a setting to allow the event title to be linked to the web link on the page. The only way you can currently do this would be to enter in the Event Title using an anchor tag. For example, if you have an event titled: “Job Resource Clinic”, what you could enter for the Event Title in Trumba would be: <a href="https://www.testwebsitee.org">Job Resource Clinic</a> This way the visitor will be taken to https://www.testwebsitee.org when they click on the event title. If you do set up your events like this, it can be a little tricky to edit them in Trumba, as the event is now a link to a website. To edit these events in Trumba you will have to click the drop down arrow next to the event title and then select Edit Event.
  18. We have heard from a few clients who are having problems getting their pages to display properly in IE7 & IE8. As the page is loading, the error: “Operation Aborted…” appears and the Trumba spuds fail to load. The pages will load in all other browsers except for Internet Explorer. To solve this issue, you may have a line of code within your HTML file that needs to be corrected: window.addEvent('domready', function() {SqueezeBox.initialize({});});
  19. Unfortunately the Event Actions that appear on the popup cannot be removed. The only “workaround” I can suggest is for you to edit the settings. Go to Publish/Calendar Spuds tab and then click on Edit Settings & Styles for the Popup spud. Select the Styles tab and locate the Event Actions section. Here you can change the Link size to 0pt and also set the color to transparent. Go ahead and then click OK. Select the Publish Settings tab and click on Edit Settings & Icons. Select the Icons tab and locate the Event Action Icons section and change these icons to [No image] and then click OK. All of the event actions and icons will now “disappear” from the event detail, with the exception of the small drop down field icon – and we do not have a way of hiding that for you.
  20. By default there is a "Subscribe" link that appears directly above the main calendar spud and if your published calendar is set up with a daily or weekly email option, a visitor will be able to subscribe to your calendar. In addition to the Subscribe link, another idea would be to create a graphic/text link on the page that a visitor can click on to subscribe to your calendar and include a hyperlink to this URL: https://eventactions.com/eventactions/uniquewebname#/subscribe You can locate the unique web name for your published calendar by selecting Publish Settings>Publish Settings tab and then select Edit Publish Settings and locate the Unique Web Name field.
  21. We currently do not have a way to collect payment for a featured event listing. I have worked with a few clients who are doing something very similar and what they do is require the submitter to become a member before they can post events. Create some type of authentication page they have to first pass through in order to get to the Event Submission Form page. Another idea for you would be create a required custom field (that is unpublished) but is visible on the event submission form. You can provide details on the Event Submission Form or on the page that controls the spud with instructions on how to pay for the listing that directs that person to PayPal for example. Once they pay for the listing on PayPal, if they get a confirmation code, your custom field could be where they enter in that confirmation code. When they submit the event, you as the approver can verify that code to ensure that they have paid for the listing and if so, you can approve the event. If it is not a valid code you can reject the submission.
  22. There is a setting that will control whether or not recurring events continue to display on your calendar and that is the setting titled "Include events that started in the past.". If you go to Publish Settings>Calendar Spuds tab, you will want to click Edit Settings & Styles for your calendar views and ensure this option is checked.
  23. This issue appears to be the “document.getElementById” in the addSpud code. You are trying to reference the earlier <input> elements at the beginning by ID but the input elements only have a name property and not ID. If you can change the highlight “name” to “id” then it should work. <input type="hidden" name="trumbaname" value='cape_ann' /> <input type="hidden" name="hotelid" value=2646 /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/scripts/spuds.js"></script>'>//www.trumba.com/scripts/spuds.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $Trumba.addSpud({ webName: document.getElementById('trumbaname').value, spudType: "upcomingvcrawler", teaserBase: "http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id="'>http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id="'>http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id="'>http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id=" + document.getElementById('hotelid').value, detailBase: "http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id=" + document.getElementById('hotelid').value }); </script> Change to: <input type="hidden" id="trumbaname" value='cape_ann' /> <input type="hidden" id="hotelid" value=2646 /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/scripts/spuds.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $Trumba.addSpud({ webName: document.getElementById('trumbaname').value, spudType: "upcomingvcrawler", teaserBase: "http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id=" + document.getElementById('hotelid').value, detailBase: "http://www.dotcomcierge.com/calendar.asp?id=" + document.getElementById('hotelid').value }); </script>
  24. At this point there are no plans to have this type of feature. We only support event registration, for both free and paid events.
  25. Try this and if this does not work, please send us a link to the page and our dev team can research further for you. <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/scripts/spuds.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $Trumba.addSpud({ webname: document.getElementById('trumbaname').value, spudType: "upcomingvcrawler", teaserBase : "https://university.trumba.com/online_calendars/main_month.aspx" }); </script>
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