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Steve A

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Posts posted by Steve A

  1. Under Define Fields, locate the custom field and select Settings. When you create and/or edit a custom field, as long as you have checked the option Allow this field to be published, that field will be available for that event template.



    The field will only display on the published calendar when data is entered for the field. Also, some calendar views may not display all of the custom fields. The event detail view and feeds will always show all custom fields if there is data in those custom fields.

  2. While we cannot attach files to events (only images can be uploaded and attached, you can link to any file within a weblink field or a free form text field and the Description field.

    For example, in the Description field (or any other free form text custom field you set up), if you want to link to a PDF or Word document for a conference, you could type in the following text

    Please <a href="https://www.domain.com/conference.pdf">click here</a> for additional information on this conference.

    When published, the words "click here" (or whatever text you choose) will be hyperlinked to the PDF file and that file will open and display in a new window.

    You can also use the web link field to enter in the URL for the file if the file or just enter in the URL in any text field: https://www.domain.com/conference.pdf

    If you have Trumba Connect, all multi-line text fields, including the Description field have an HTML editor. If you use the editor, it is much easier to attach the links to PDFs, brochures, Word docs, videos, etc. 

  3. Our standard pricing for one Publisher account is $99.95 per month and Editor accounts are an additional $30 per month for each Editor. Editors can add, edit and delete events but not publish calendars from their accounts. You can have all calendars be published from one Publisher account and share out one or more calendars with the Editor accounts.

    Here is a link to our current Pricing page and a chart that compares the features available to both Publishers and Editors, that may help answer any additional pricing

    Our pricing page describes what you get when paying the monthly fee of $99.95 for Trumba Connect, which is the following:

    • Hosted calendar software and event content management system.
    • Frequent automatic updates and product enhancements.
    • One Trumba Connect single user license.
    • Technical support by phone, email, and the product support forum.
    • Creation of unlimited number of calendars, templates and fields.
    • Two complimentary clients service hours ($200/hour value)

    We also offer add-on features to your monthly subscription at an additional cost:

    • Event Submission Form functionality
    • Custom Objects
    • Trumba Client Services
    • Service Level Agreements

    If you have any additional information on pricing, please contact Trumba Sales at 1-800-925-0388.

    Trumba Connect is supported on both Windows and Mac operating systems using the most current versions of Edge, Fire Fox, Google Chrome and Safari web browsers.

  4. I am not sure if this will save you much more time, however another idea for you is to use an RSS feed, as this is a very quick and easy way to capture the event data, including images as we just added images to RSS feeds a few weeks ago.

    To capture the feed, go to Publish and click on the Feeds tab and preview the RSS feed. One can also go to: https://www.trumba.com/calendars/<uniquewebname>.rss to view the RSS feed for any published calendar. With this feed you can copy and paste in to Constant Contact or Word for example and edit further if needed.

    I noticed that you have opted to hide the Calendar Actions Panel for your main calendar, which when visible, does allow a site visitor the option to subscribe to your RSS feed from your calendar. To show this you can select Publish>Calendar Spuds>and then select Edit Settings & Styles for the Main Calendar spud. From here, select the Calendar Actions Panel and change the Display to Show.

    Also, if you do decide to use the RSS feed for this purpose, you may notice with you calendar the RSS feed is a little slow to display as it appears there are some rather large images (in pixels) that are included as Event Images within the events on your calendar. Some of the larger ones I spotted are 578px x 392px; 600px x 986px and 568px x 696px, so they will take a few seconds longer to display in the feed. As a tip you may want to reduce those in size prior to importing into Trumba so they are closer to the actual display size you want them to appear on the calendar display.

  5. The calendar (digest) emails are not saved, however if you have customized the message of the email that will remain intact until you update it. You can always click on the Email button and add additional people to the distribution list and then click Send Next Email Now, and you will then be presented with an option to remove existing people from the distribution list for this specific mailing.

  6. When you set up an event that includes registration, the section that states "No registration information exists for this event" will appear until you have people signing up for the event that are providing you the information based on the contents of the registration form that is part of the event. What you also want to do is select the option to have Open Sign Up for the event and/or send invitations to register for this event so people know they need to sign up for the event. When you check "Open sign up for this event" you will see a Sign Up button next to the event title in most calendar views. You may also want to set a registration limit on this event, as well as set the maximum number of guests an attendee can bring to the event.

    Here are a few links to some Help files that goes into more details on setting up events with Event Registration:

    MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/events/eventinvite_how.aspx

    MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/events/eventinvite_manage.aspx

  7. Trumba supports international date formats and a variety of time formats, including 24-hour time format.

    To edit these settings, click on Publish and then select the Calendar Spuds tab and then click Edit Settings & Styles for each of your calendar views. Repeat the same steps for your Promotion spuds and Feeds.

    Spud Settings - Each spud (calendar views, promotion spuds, feeds) contains format settings for events as well as page headers and group headers when necessary. The default settings for spuds will match the existing format of each spud so you should see minimal changes to existing spud dates and times.

    Event Actions – Date format settings are available for the Event Action page by selecting Customize Event Actions under the OTHER TASKS section.

  8. Ongoing Events – We have special handling for ongoing events to display dates with a leading phrase such as Ongoing through Jan 1, 20xx. Ongoing events are multi-day events that started in the past but end in the future. The setting lets you omit the past start date and show the event date in a configurable format.

  9. Trumba supports international date formats and a variety of time formats, including 24-hour time format.

    To edit these settings, click on Publish and then select the Calendar Spuds tab and then click Edit Settings & Styles for each of your calendar views. Repeat the same steps for your Promotion spuds and Feeds.

    Spud Settings - Each spud (calendar views, promotion spuds, feeds) contains format settings for events as well as page headers and group headers when necessary. The default settings for spuds will match the existing format of each spud so you should see minimal changes to existing spud dates and times.

    Event Actions – Date format settings are available for the Event Action page by selecting Customize Event Actions under the OTHER TASKS section.

  10. We do allow a variety of spud API properties, such as the detaiBase and openInNewWindow spud properties.

    Here is a link to a Help topic on this: https://www.trumba.com/help/api/spudapi_properties.aspx

    Add openInNewWindow: "true" in conjunction with the detailBase property to open event details in a new window. When a visitor clicks an event link on the main spud, it jumps to new window displaying the page defined by detailBase to display the event details.

  11. At this time this is not a repeating pattern we support. You can set up an alternating repeating event, or  you could set this up a a weekly repeating event on Mondays. Once this is set up, view your Trumba editing page in List View and you can now go through and check all of the 1st, 3rd and possibly 5th Mondays for that event that appears and then delete these. This will keep all of the 2nd and 4th Monday events in the repeating pattern.

  12. What I recommend for this type of calendar scenario would be to create a single line of text custom field for each theater. By creating a field for each theater, you can then add in the showtimes for this movie at each appropriate theater:




    We cannot hide the Start Date/Time fields, so you will want to set this as an All Day event that spans the duration of the movie showing.

    I would then use the List calendar view as you can hide the Time Span and start to add in all of the theater custom fields. You can also add a <strong> </strong> tag to make the theater appear in bold.



    By changing the event title font size and making a few more changes, you could get a movie listing similar to this:




    In addition, you can then create a Filter Control Spud to allow a site visitor to filter by movie title as well as movie theater.



  13. All of the Trumba spuds will confine to the container (DIV, Table, etc) size that you set up on your web page. Another idea for you is to select Publish and then preview the various Calendar spuds, Control Spuds and Promotion Spuds. In the preview window you can resize the window and it will also indicate the width in pixels at the top of the screen so you can get a good sense of what this will look like in a container of that width on your webpage. All spuds can vary depending on the type of calendar view you select and other specific settings you may set for each spud.

    Unfortunately if you are trying to place a main calendar spud in a container that is only 300 pixels wide you will be limited on what will display. Many of the Control spuds can fit into containers that are less than 200 pixels. If you continue to have an issue with this, feel free to email support@corp.trumba.com and I can take a look at your account and spuds.

  14. If you have existing events in other programs that you want to import into Trumba®, you can import the event information in the following file formats:

    • iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar (.vcs)
    • Comma separated values (.csv) or tab delimited (.txt) text files
    • Microsoft® Excel worksheet (.xls)

    If you want to import event data from a file, you first need to get the data from the other calendar program into one of the formats that Trumba supports. To do that, you export your calendar from the other program.

    Take a look at this Help file that goes into more details on Importing Events from Other Calendar Programs. I would also recommend this Help topic on how to Retain custom field information in Calendars you import from other programs.

  15. Most calendars have several ongoing/recurring events and sometimes it makes sense to have two calendars, one for one-time events and the other for ongoing/recurring events. This way you can publish both calendars or publish each calendar on separate pages.
    By doing this you can then create promotion spuds to display just the ongoing events.
    You can also set up a custom field, that allows you the option of tagging an event as a one-time event vs ongoing events. Then you can create a Filter Control Spud so a visitor can check/uncheck what type of event they want to display. For example "Type of Event" and you could create a value called "Ongoing Event" and another value for "One time event". When you are adding events to your calendar you will then tag the event to be an "Ongoing" or "One time event". By tagging theseevents with a value, you can then set up a Filter Control Spud to allows a visitor to display ongoing events on the calendar in addition to the one time events.

    Here is a help topic with more details.

    You can take this one step further and in addition to the steps above, you can set up a Filter View so when a person views the calendar you can hide the Ongoing events and only display the one-time events.

  16. You can actually do both :) If you would like to bold the Field Label in the List calendar view, enter in the following for the label field: <strong>Soleil's Take</strong>

    We have a “no wrap” setting for the Field Labels in the List calendar view. To make this change, go to Publish Settings and select the Calendar Spuds tab. From here, select Edit Settings & Styles for the List calendar view. Click the Events:Default tab and locate the section titled EVENT DETAILS STYLES. There is a setting for Field label white space that is set to normal by default and you will want to go ahead and select nowrap from the drop down menu and then click OK.

  17. In order to have your events appear in different colors, you will want to setup additional calendars, either top level or sub-calendars. Each calendar will then take on a color that you can define when you publish the calendar by going to Publish Settings>Publish Settings tab>Edit Calendar Colors. Once you have your calendars/categories set up, they each start to “own” different events that you assign to each calendar and the events will then take on the owning calendars color.

    When you publish the calendar, you can also control the published background color, text, link and link hover colors using HEX color values. Here is a help topic with more details.

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