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Calendar Font and Background Colors

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Have you considered giving us the ability to format the color of the text displayed on a calendar as opposed to the background color behind the text? (or both?)

We print calendars often and they just suck the color out of our printers due to all of the color blocks that need to be printed. Having the text colored would provide us the same color coordinated capability in a easier to print/view version. (and saves some of that valuable ink) Perhaps a splash of color before the text in the printed view. (ie iCal)

I recognize that there is a difference between a web view and a printed document. I would just like to have some options when printing since we still do so much of it.

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If you would like your published calendars to have a colored background and/or change the link and link hover colors, when you publish the calendar, select Publish>Publish Settings tab and then select Edit Calendar Colors


If you would like to allow each mixed-in calendar have a background color or link and link hover colors, change this setting to Yes.

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