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Posts posted by Jill

  1. You can set multi-day events to display only on the first day or on every day, but we don't have a way to do this with recurring events. The only alternative I can think of is to make the event a one-time event that appears on the calendar on whatever day you want it, and in the Description you list all the dates on which the event occurs. In the calendar settings, you then can set the settings to Include events that started in the past.

    What you may also want to do is set up a new custom field so when you add one time events and ongoing events, you can tag them. In doing this, you can then set up a Filter View and a Filter control spud so the end user can decide if they want to see the ongoing events.





  2. When you are creating custom fields, you have the option of making fields hidden and then setting an override on published calendars to make those fields visible.

    When you go to create or edit a custom field, at the very bottom you will see a SECURITY section and what you do is uncheck the option "Allow this field to be published". This will make this custom field a "hidden" field.


    To make this field and the data of this field visible on another published calendar, in the Published Settings for that published calendar (Publish>Publish Settings>Edit Publish Settings) you can set the override and select your hidden custom fields from the drop down for Display unpublished fields:


    MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/publish/pub_fields.aspx

    DISPLAY UNPUBLISHED FIELDS: https://www.trumba.com/help/publish/pub_fields.aspx#show_unpublished

  3. In your editing environment, you can have the second level display the third level calendars automatically by mixing in the third-level calendars. The difference between that and Also Show On is that the events aren't actually added to the second-level calendar; they just appear as long as the third-level calendar is mixed in.

    When you publish, the second-level calendar would not show any of these third-level events unless you mixed in the the third-level calendars during the publish process (mixing calendars in for publishing is independent of mixing calendars in the editing environment.

  4. You can disable/hide the Event Actions (Add to My Calendar, Email Reminder, etc) that display above your main calendar by going in to each of the calendar settings by selecting Publish>Calendar Spuds tab and then click Edit Settings & Styles for each calendar template you are using. You will notice a setting under the EVENT ACTIONS section and you want to change this from Multiple to None in the drop down:


    If you would also like to hide these same event actions on the event detail screen, you will want to edit the event detail view for both desktop and mobile detail views. Go to Publish>Calendar spuds tab and locate the EVENT DETAIL VIEW section and click Edit Settings & Styles for the event detail view you have set up. Locate the FOOTER section and set Show Event Actions from Yes to No and then click OK to save.




    On the same screen, scroll to the very bottom and locate the MOBILE CALENDAR DETAIL VIEW section and click Edit Settings & Styles for the Event Detail view for mobile. Repeat the same step as above and change Show Event Actions from Yes to No and then click OK.

    MORE INFORMATION ABOUT EVENT ACTIONS: https://www.trumba.com/help/events/takeactionevents.aspx

  5. Yes, you can have one Publisher account and on that account add on the Event Submission Form functionality as that will allow you to create as many submission forms as you require.  You (or whoever is the keeper of the overall calendar) would set up the calendars in your account so that when one of the other editors submits an event, they choose the category (calendar) it goes to. You can require approval or have the other editors submit directly to the calendar without approval.

    To request the form, follow the instructions in this help topic.



  6. Hi Andrew,

    Wow, thanks for pursuing this with the SiteKreator team! And for letting us know which templates work. I'm glad one of them is one you like. The spuds look great on your site, too! Also, thanks for using our Help page to let your visitors know how to use the calendar. Feel free to post if you can think of anything we can do to improve that Help.


    I looked into the SiteKreator site last week to see if I could find out whether there was a way to get behind the scenes, and I saw some of the featured sites. You're right it does seem like we share their philosophy of creating professional-looking site (calendar) quickly and without having to be an expert in HTML or other Web dev language. Thanks for making that association! :)


    Jill / Trumba UA

  7. The things you want to do are possible, and each by itself is pretty easy, but combined they become rather less straightforward.

    It is possible to have some events from a section calendar to also show on the master calendar, as well as vice-versa. That is easy either way. The part that's hard is having all of the different views you described available to your audience. For example, if you wanted to show the section calendar with the events that show only on that calendar, you'd have to publish it separately from the master calendar, which only shows a subset of events from the section calendar.

    Also, you'd have to publish two different configurations to have some items shown to the public and some available through a password. So total, if I understand correctly, it seems that you'd be creating at least 19 different views that you have to create and publish separately (one for the master calendar, 16 for each section, and two for the public vs. password access, not taking into account that you might want to combine some of those requirements). Again, it's possible, it would just take a bit of time to think about how you wanted to set up and publish your calendars.

    Technically, each person who edits and shares calendars with you each needs to have a paid Trumba account. If you can trust your calendar editors, you could have an arrangement where you all sign in to the same account. That is perfectly ok as long as you don't have multiple people signing in and editing calendars at the same time as per the Terms of Use. But in this arrangement, anyone who can sign in to the account would have editing access to all calendars.

  8. What you can do is use either a URL-encoded query string for a Search query or use a URL argument in the Main calendar spud.

    Here is an example using a URL-encoded query string to search for Boston:


    Here is another example using a URL aguement in the Main calendar spud:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/scripts/spuds.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    { webName: "calendarname",
    spudType: "main",
    url: {search:"Boston"}});

    Better yet, I would recommend setting up Filter Views. By creating filter views, you can set up filter views easily in Trumba to filter events by your cities, types of events, etc. 

    MORE INFORMATION ON FILTER VIEWS: https://www.trumba.com/help/filter/pub_filterviews.aspx

  9. Do you know if there's a way to either get behind the scenes of the regular SiteKreator editor or bypass it completely to see/edit the HTML code directly, rather than using the feature for inserting an HTML snippet? In the former scenario, I'm envisioning an "edit code directly" type of command. If that's not an option, I'm wondering if you have access to the actual files that make up your site? If so, you could use a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit to open the page into which you want to embed the Trumba spud. Once it's open in the text editor, you'll see all of its code, and you can paste the script into the appropriate location.

    If you have access to the actual file and have opened it in a text editor, but you're not sure where in the code to put the spud script, let me know, and we can try to figure out what to do next.

  10. When you publish the top level calendar, even though the sub calendars might be mixed in in the editing environment, you need to also mix in the sub calendars during the publishing process. If you publish the calendars separately, or publish just the top level, you can only view the calendars separately. To mix in the two sub calendars, select the top level/published calendar and select Publish>Publish Settings>Edit Publish Settings and from here you can locate the Mix-In section and tick/select the two sub calendars that you also want to mix-in the top level/published calendar.

  11. You can embed your Trumba calendars into web pages. If your application runs on the Web, you could insert your Trumba calendar (spud code) into your application's page. You can also insert other calendar spuds that display your event information in different ways. Visitors can click on spuds to see more details. If that's the kind of thing you want to do, you can find more information here:
    Embed calendar spuds into your web pages

    In addition to that, Trumba provides CSV, iCal, RSS, XML, and JSON feeds for each calendar, which might work depending on what you want to do.

  12. Trumba is Saas (Software as a Service) application and we host and store all of your data for you and is included as part of your Trumba Subscription. We do not allow clients to run Trumba from their own servers. However, you can create backups of your calendar data by exporting the calendars as CSV or iCal. Once the calendars are in one of these formats, you can import them into many other calendar programs, such as Outlook, iCal, and so on.

    You can find more information here: Export calendars from Trumba

    MORE INFORMATION: Secure Calendar Data

  13. If your Trumba representative has enabled your Trumba® Connect account for event submission forms, you can add a form to any calendar you publish. You can also set up your event approval process and customize the form. If you want to change something later, you can go back and edit the form whenever you want.

    You add and customize event submission form spuds in the Publishing Control Panel. Each published calendar can have one submission form.

    MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/submitevent/submitformedit.aspx

  14. Although there's not a way to do exactly what Andrea is asking for, you can do some of it by setting up an event that's recurring rather than multi-day. This would work for events that occur at the same time of day on different days.

    In the first example that Andrea mentions, you would create an event that starts on Aug. 1, goes from 12-2, repeats daily, and ends on Aug. 3. If you had events with different start and end times, you could create the event, and then edit the times in the individual instances that needed editing. (Not ideal, I know, but maybe easier than creating each event separately.)

    For the second example, you would create an event that repeats weekly, every week, and then select the days of the week on which it occurs.


  15. Yes, when you select Edit Settings & Styles for the Classic Table view, you can select "Start Day of Week" from the [add new field] drop down menu. Once you add a new field, you can use the up/down arrows to change the position or change the Order number by entering a the preferred position number and then click the Update button.



  16. While featured events cannot be shown first on the calendar views, you can set up Featured Events to stand out from other events on the calendar on a few of the Trumba Calendar views. Most of the calendars will always display events in chronological order. Here is a help topic with more details on Featured Events. You can also use Promotion Spuds to filter out and only display featured events and place a promotion spud above the main calendar or on your home page.

  17. The Promotion Spuds have a few settings to accomplish this. On the Upcoming Events promotion spud for example, on the Settings tab there is a setting in the HEADER section where the Display can be set to Show or Hide. Selecting Hide will remove the name of the calendar:




    If you do want to display other text, instead of the name of the calendar, you can also locate the DISPLAY OPTIONS section and change the label in the Calendar label override field:



  18. Yes, you can create custom fields, and you can populate them with default text or values. We offer a Field Override section where you can also set up your event templates to show default text when used on specific calendars. When you create custom event templates that include the custom fields, set your custom event template as the default event template for a calendar, and you're set. You can also set fields to publish with your calendar or stay private.

  19. Please do keep us posted. Yes, these alternative steps work for spuds as well. In the URL, after the hash parameter, you'd add &widget=[spud name]. And you can get the spud name in the code at the end of the publishing process.

    So, for example, if you wanted to add the Date Finder spud, and your calendar web name is kexp, the src attribute in your script tag would look something like this:

    src="<https://www.trumba.com/k.aspx?calendar=kexp&expires=201012312359&hash=[encrypted stuff]&widget=datefinder"

  20. You're right it's easy to print a calendar in a list. You can print in whatever format you view or publish it. In the account, just choose the view and then click Print.

    Also, even if you publish it in the Month template, people viewing the calendar can still change the view to Classic Table or List format if they want to print it that way (if you embed a published calendar into your web site, you'll have to also embed the Template Chooser spud to do this...).

    If you have 15 users who all wanted to edit the calendar at the same time, you could purchase Editor accounts ($30 per month per user). However, if you don't mind all signing in to the same account (with the same email address), and as long as only one person is signed in at a time, you could use just one account as long as they are not signed in at the same time, as per the Trumba Terms of Use.

  21. You can create a URL that encrypts the URL for your calendar but is more static. It is a little involved, but in my opinion once you get it it's not as overwhelming as the sample code.

    First, because you'll still encrypt the URL for your calendar, you'll need to use an online MD5 encryption tool. We used a couple of different ones: iWebTools and B-Con, which we found with a basic web search. Both worked fine. Just go to one of those sites and keep that browser window open while you create the URL.

    To create the secure URL:

    1. In a second browser window or tab, display your published calendar, click Publish, and go to step 4 of the wizard.
    2. For Access type, select Secure URL, set your password, display the secure key, and then select and copy it.
    3. Click Done to publish the calendar with this new secret key.
    4. Open the web page where you embed your calendar. In the script that displays the calendar, for the src attribute, enter the following:

      replacing the text in blue with your calendar web name and the secret key you copied. You can also change the expiration date to the one you want.
    5. In the URL, select all of the text that appears after the question mark (starting with "calendar=" all the way to the end of the secret key).
    6. Go to the browser window or tab that is displaying the MD5 conversion tool, paste the string you copied into the text side, and click Encrypt or the equivalent command if there is one.
    7. Select the new encrypted string, go back to your web page, and in the URL, for hash=, delete the secret key and paste your new encrypted string.
    8. Save your web page and test it by viewing it in a browser.

    The calendar should appear without prompting you for a password. But remember that because the hash parameter is static, the URL isn't as secure as it would be if you used the sample code. But it's a slightly more secure way of doing it than passing the unencrypted password, and more importantly, it's something we can do right now.

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