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Daily, Weekly and Monthly RSS Feed

Guest timlauer

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Hello, I am trying out your product and find it very useful. I like the fact that you have RSS. Am wondering if you can create daily, weekly and monthly RSS feeds. I would like a feed that showed me events for just the current week.

The reason a daily or weekly feed would be useful is that you could embed the RSS feed into a web page. For example we are currently using a PHPiCalendar and this tool provides daily, weekly and monthly RSS feeds. I use a javascript tool to take the contents from the weekly feed and embed them on our school page. It highlights the events for the week, and by clicking on the event you are taken to the entry on the calendar...Each Sunday morning the feed is automatically rewritten to reflect events for the current week. If you take a look at our current calendar, and scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a link to the various RSS feeds that PHPiCalendar returns.

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Within Trumba, we offer RSS, CSV, iCal, XML and JSON feeds. When you select Publish>Feeds tab on your Publisher account, you can select Edit Settings & Styles for your Feed type. When you select RSS feed for example, there are numerous settings that control what gets included in the feed as well as how much data (Start and End), Number of events, Date formats and more!

There are also numerous ways you can manipulate the feeds. Here is a help topic on how you can customize your feeds: 


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