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Public and Private calendars


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I want to create an internal calendar for employees and a public published calendar for clients. I want to make entries to the public calendar which will also appear on the internal calendar. I want to make entries on the internal calendar which do not appear on the public calendar. Please help me get this set up right so I don't have to enter the same events on both calendars.

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Thanks for your question about how to set up calendars so you can create a calendar of public events that also shows on your employee only on calendar.

If you make a calendar of public events and a calendar with employee only events. You can publish the public events without a password so anyone on the web can help themselves to your information. And you can publish the employee only calendar with the public events mixed in, and perhaps with a password so you can limit who sees the calendars.

If you wanted to force some or all public events to show on the employee only calendar, when you edit specific events on the public events calendar, you can set them up to "also show on" the employee only calendar.


I would suggest doing a test with just 4 or 5 events, until you feel comfortable. I would also recommend trying out the publish feature before you are done entering in all the data as the template you use might dictate whether you use shorter event names etc.

Here are some links that might be useful:

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