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Today Only Spud display

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My institution just went with Trumba for our online calendar soluion, and we plan to release our new pages by end of the month. So far, I'm extremely happy with the functionality, and the ease with which we were able to import our existing calendars (we currently use SQL to inform .asp pages, but we just don't have the in-house resources for sophisticated display or "Add to my calendar" functionality). 

Is there a spud that will allow for list display of only today's events? I see that I can include an upcoming events spud, and that it can be customized for as many days as I would like (default code is set at 3, I believe). But in addition to display of the month and the upcoming week, we have need of showing just the day's events (and not having them roll off as they happen, but show for the 24 hour duration of the calendar day).

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The majority of Promotion Spuds can all be set up to only show the current days events. When you go to Publish/Promotion spuds tabs and click Edit Settings & Styles for your promotion spud, locate the Start and End date settings. You can also specify the number of events you would like be displayed.


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