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Field Mapping During Importing

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I have set up a form on my web site to collect the data to import. The field names I use on my form is different than those in Trumba since the purpose is not totally analogous. Currently I need to remap each field each time I import a file. This is quite a nuisance to do this each time. I would like to suggest that once the fields of the import file is matched with Trumba's fields, we would have the opportunity to save this match and then to load it up the next time. 

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Mapping fields on import is very important, and if you are having to do repeated imports, I can see where it would be valuable to save the mapping.

I am assuming this is a CSV (Comma separated value file) or Excel file. I wonder if the workaround of exporting a file from Trumba so you can get the field names and taking the time to manually put them at the top of your file, replacing your other labels would be worth the trouble to you as a way to solve for this.

Once you have this done once, you can have a blank file and a copy/paste of your data first to your blank file with just the field names prior to import could be a way to avoid the manual remapping. If it is say just one or two fields that you are remapping then the workaround would be too much work, but you have a couple fields, it might be worth the trouble.

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