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Trouble importing events


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I have tried three times today to import events and have had no luck. I get the screen where you can upload the file, I browse to Find it, then click on Next... I then select to add these events to my main calendar instead of creating a new calendar or a subcalendar. I click Next. So far so good, but instead of sending me to the screen to Map the fields, I am sent back to the screen where you upload the file. I haven't changed anything about the format I have been using to upload events and have always used an .XLS spreadsheet...

Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!

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Here are some ideas for things to try:

  • Try a different XLS file, or create a simple test file to see if it works with one event.
  • Try saving the file as a CSV
  • Open the file and make sure the data is all lining up correctly (i.e., all the information is in its correct column), no start times are later than end times, and that the data looks ok in general. I recommend exporting a calendar from Trumba and viewing the export in Excel so you can see how the file should be structured with the correct columns headers and field values.
  • Might sound weird, but if nothing else works, select the time columns and check the time format. Maybe try a different but similar one. For example, if the time is in 24-hour format, try using AM/PM format, or vice-versa.
  • Contact Trumba Support and send them the file as they can review the file for you to find the issue that may be causing the import to fail.
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