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Default published calendar view


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I'm having trouble changing my default calendar view. I have the main calendar embedded in my website.

I have changed all the Calendar Settings I can think of and even deleted the customization and old view that I have been using. When I click Preview within the settings - the event display correctly. But when I visit my site - opening in a new window, refreshing, etc... it still defaults to the old view.

If you could offer any assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

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Here are a few things to try:

  • Try using a different browser to see if the view changes.
  • Try deleting temporary internet files and cookies and open again in the browser.
  • When you're in the Publishing Control Panel,select the Calendar Spuds tab and under the section AVAILABLE CALENDAR VIEWS, verify the calendar view you want is set to the be the default view.
  • If you have embedded the View Chooser or Tabbed View Chooser on your site, and you have the calendar view set to something other than your default view in Trumba you will want to change your view or delete the cookies in the browser to clear the default setting in your browser.
  • Spuds get cached for 10-minutes in your browser. That is, a version of the webpage containing the spuds gets stored on your local computer so the browser can open it more quickly than it could by returning to the original webpage.
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