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Trumba and Joomla


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I have heard it works best to disable the editing environment in Joomla when adding in Trumba spuds as clients have reported having the editing environment enabled edits/changes the Trumba javascript code preventing the Trumba spuds from loading on pages. I have not used Joomla, so unfortunately I am not well versed, so any feedback from other Trumba users using Joomla is appreciated!

One error I have been hearing about is the following error when attempting to view a HTML page created in Joomla 1.5x that contains Trumba spuds:

HTML Parsing Error: "Unable to modify the parent container" error, (with a specific line in the code that is causing the error) when loading the main calendar spud in Trumba using Joomla 1.5x

The solution was to go to libraries/joomla/html/html/behavior.php located under the Joomla install root and edit the line of code specified in the error message and you want to locate this line of code:

$tooltipInit = ' window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ var JTooltips = new Tips($$(\''.$selector.'\'), '.$options.'); });';

Replace 'domready' with 'load' and it should eliminate the error so the Trumba spuds can load properly.

That is all of the information we currently have on Joomla issues that are being reported.

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