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Embed a Promotion Spud to link to my main calendar

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I'd like to put an upcoming events promotion spud on one page with upcoming events from just one sub calendar. When the user clicks on "view all" I want them to go to a calendar spud for the main calendar, with all of the sub-calendars mixed in. What do I need to do to set this up?

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You first publish the sub calendar and when the calendar is published, you can set up the Upcoming promotion spud. You then copy the Trumba spud code that is created for you and you will notice in the code, a line called teaserBase and it will have a default URL. Once you paste the entire code snippet on your page, you will want to change the teaserBase URL to reflect the URL of your main calendar page. This way when a person clicks on an event in the Upcoming promotion spud or click View All, they will be redirected to your main calendar page.

Here is more information on Promotion spuds: https://www.trumba.com/help/publish/pub_cp.aspx


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