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RSS Feed for Password Protected Calendar

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I've created a web name for my calendar and even published it but protected it with a password, but I can't seem to access it through a couple of RSS readers. I've tried Google reader and newgator online. Both of these add the feed, but I then get the following:

"This calendar is password-protected.Your news aggregator does not appear to support cookies, so the feed cannot be read."

I can't find where to enter passwords on Google, so no surprise there, but newgator allows passwords, and it's web-based (and I allow cookies) and I've tried everyway possible, but I can't seem to make it work.

Anybody have any luck with these or does anyone know another good online news reader where this will work?

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When you say you allow cookies, do you mean in the browser? The way I understand it, the reader itself has to support cookies (and as you found out with Google reader, supporting cookies isn't guaranteed even if the reader is web based). Once you find a reader that supports cookies, you have to be signed in to the calendar, so that the cookie is currently residing on your machine, to get the RSS feed to display in the reader.

One reader that I know works with this is Sage. http://sage.mozdev.org/ In Google reader (and maybe others), even though it gives you the message you posted, you are able to click a link to show the "original item," which displays the standard published view of your calendar (because you're already signed in).

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Yes, I mean that the browser allows cookies. I'm limited with what browers I can use at work, so sage doesn't work for me. I'm not stuck with newsgator, but i do want a web-based reader (preferably free). Newsgator allows for me to send a username/password when setting up a restricted RSS feed, but I guess Trumba doesn't support that. Also, I've seen where other web-based readers can read restricted RSS feeds where the username/password is part of the RSS url (http://username:password@www.website.com/feed.rss).

Another thing that you might want to pass by your developer is that several on-line RSS readers have an option for the user to include a username/password when adding feeds, so far I've seen that newsgator and attensa have this feature. I don't know if this is better security/encryption wise that including the username/password in the URL, but it also seems to be something that the RSS feed has to allow.

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