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Everything posted by Jill

  1. When you publish your calendar, Trumba Connect generates RSS, Atom (XML), iCalendar (ICS), Comma Separated Value (CSV), and JSON feeds that visitors can access from your calendar. Visitors can subscribe to your RSS or Atom feed to get notified of your calendar updates as soon as you make them. Please see our following help topic on customizing calendar feeds: https://www.trumba.com/help/api/customfeeds.aspx
  2. Trumba supports a wide variety of date and time formats for all calendar and promotion spuds. Here are the formats we offer for Date Formats: And here are the time formats:
  3. Here are some ideas for things to try: Try a different XLS file, or create a simple test file to see if it works with one event. Try saving the file as a CSV Open the file and make sure the data is all lining up correctly (i.e., all the information is in its correct column), no start times are later than end times, and that the data looks ok in general. I recommend exporting a calendar from Trumba and viewing the export in Excel so you can see how the file should be structured with the correct columns headers and field values. Might sound weird, but if nothing else works, select the time columns and check the time format. Maybe try a different but similar one. For example, if the time is in 24-hour format, try using AM/PM format, or vice-versa. Contact Trumba Support and send them the file as they can review the file for you to find the issue that may be causing the import to fail.
  4. If I understand correctly what you're asking, you can create your own URL that will return the results you want. It's actually kind of convoluted, but it's possible. Essentially, you build a REST-style URL, except you have to URL encode the parameters. In your case, to use the search parameter to show only events that contain the string "sculpture", your URL would be as the ones below. (There should be no spaces in the code, but I wrapped the lines of code to keep them from getting too long on the screen.) https://www.asingularcreation.com/Lists/art-contests.htm ?trumbaEmbed=calendar%3Dasingularcreation%26search%3Dsculpture
  5. The Publisher account that owns the calendar can change the name of a calendar in Calendar Settings by selecting the Calendar Settings link at the top of the Trumba editing environment. On the page that appears you will see the Calendar Name field where you can change the calendar name and then click OK to save the change.
  6. To use editor accounts, the Publisher account holder that created the calendar(s) will share calendars with the editor accounts. The publisher account holder determines what kind of access each editor has to each calendar. In the Sharing page (the one that appears when you display the calendar and click the Share link above it), you can click the small Help icon to see what kind of access each of the sharing options allows. These two topics in Help provide information about the permissions that you can give to other Trumba account holders with whom you share calendars: How to Share calendars Using calendars that are shared with you Workflow Strategies Here is a page that covers more details around the main differences between a Publisher and an Editor account. If you would like to add Editor accounts to your existing account, please contact Trumba Sales at 1-800-925-0388 or contact Trumba Support at Support@corp.trumba.com
  7. Set up the repeating event in the desired pattern. Once the event is on the calendar change your view in Trumba to the List view. Now go through and manually select the dates for the days that event should not occur (holidays) and then select the Delete Events option and click Go.
  8. Check out this help topic that covers some of the supported Spud Properties. We do support openInNewWindow and closeWindowOnReturn
  9. We currently do not show total stats on every event as these stats are very high level. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/publish/dashboard.aspx
  10. Trumba offers a wide variety of spud properties. You would not want to use teaserBase, instead add openInNewWindow: true in conjunction with the detailBase property to open event details in a new window. When a visitor clicks an event link on the main spud, it jumps to new window displaying the page defined by detailBase to display the event details. Here is a link to our help topic on Spud Properties with examples. https://www.trumba.com/help/api/spudapi_properties.aspx
  11. Issue If you try to enter spud code into a post on a WordPress blog that is hosted on WordPress.com, the javascript tags are removed by the WordPress editor, and the arguments that display the spud are converted to text, so what you see in your blog is the spud code text. Explanation Blogs hosted on WordPress.com do not support javascript for security reasons, which you can read about on the wordpress.com site and in their support forums. If you have downloaded the WordPress software from WordPress.org (a different site from wordpress.com) and set it up on your own host, you might be able to use the older version of the spud code to embed spuds, following these steps: In your WordPress blog, click My Profile, and then uncheck the Use the visual rich editor when writing check box. Open the post in which you want your spud, and enter a previous version of the Trumba spud code (given below this procedure) into the Write Post page. Main calendar spud <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/k.aspx?calendar='>http://www.trumba.com/k.aspx?calendar=yourcalendarname"></script> Mix-in (calendar list) spud <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.trumba.com/k.aspx?calendar=yourcalendarname&widget=mix"></script> For other spuds, for widget=, you simply use the appropriate spud type. You can get the appropriate spud type from the code that Trumba generates for the spud in your Publishing Control Panel. If you have downloaded the software, you might also be interested in reading the WordPress documentation about using JavaScript with their software. You also want to ensure you are using the correct "element" in Wordpress. For example, the WP Custom HTML element will not work: Instead, use HTML
  12. The info you posted from the WordPress Codex is promising, but it turns out that it applies only if you've downloaded the WordPress software from wordpress.org and set it up on your own host. If you do that, you have much more control over the code behind the scenes. If you have WordPress host your blog (which is what I did), javascript isn't supported. I checked out their forums, too, and answers to questions about javascript are repeatedly along the lines of, "it's not supported, period." This is for security reasons, to keep people from being able to hack into others' blogs or worse. They talk about it all on their site. Anyway, I got some helpful info from one of their support people, explaining the difference between wordpress.org and wordpress.com in case you or anyone else is interested: FAQ about wordpress options
  13. What I'm explaining is my take on the intended use for the calendar views as they currently exist (and were originally released), not trying to dispute any future changes people have suggested based on their actual use. The functionality between the list-based views and the classic calendar-based views is different just because of the nature of each category. For example, paging for the classic calendar views is inherent in the view itself, i.e., the month grid's paging is by month. I don't know that I've heard an argument yet that would convince development that it would be a good idea to add the paging and grouping to these classic views that aren't list based, but that doesn't mean there isn't one, and development is always interested in hearing the reasons people have for wanting something to be different. I do agree that it would be nice for the Performance view in particular to have more flexible paging and grouping options, because it does look like a list-based format, and people have given some nice examples for how/why it could be better. But the current differences in functionality are intentional, because the purposes are slightly different (e.g., to display the same event that occurs multiple times in the same "group" vs. displaying events in order of date). Behind the scenes, because functionality inherent to the view needs to be implemented, it might cancel out the ability to support the functionality that the more straightforward list templates have -- I don't actually know for sure, but that's my best speculation. And when I say ability to support, I mean in its current form, not that it's impossible for it to be reworked to behave differently. I also agree that it would be nice to be able to add your custom fields and display the fields you want in the order you want (including removing the default ones from the display in the main and event details views). Even this alone would help address some of the issues that have been brought up with the Performance template.
  14. Looking at the source code made it easy to see the reason the spuds in the new spud code aren't displaying. What is happening is that, at least in this case, WordPress is interpreting the spud code between the opening and closing script tags as regular text and converting it to HTML. So, for example, this spud code: webName: "yourcalwebname" spudType: "main" might look like this if you open the page you created in WordPress in a browser and then view the source code: webName: &#8220;yourcalwebname&#8221;,<br /> spudType : &#8220;main&#8221; });<br /> The HTML code conversion invalidates the spud code, so there is no spud in your page for the browser to display. This also can explain why you can get the older spud code to work. The older code includes the instructions for displaying the spud as an attribute inside of the opening script tag, so it's not being treated as normal text. The new spud code uses a different syntax, though, so it's always going to have text between the opening and closing script tags.
  15. When you create a new calendar, or edit the Calendar Settings for an existing calendar, you can change the default calendar setting for Default duration:
  16. To change the font size on the Event Detail, go to Publish>Calendar Spuds tab and select Edit Settings & Styles for the Event Detail. From here select the Styles tab and you can edit the Text size. There are various other font size settings on this tab to also control the size of the Event Title, Label, Event data size, and link sizes.
  17. When you're creating or editing an event, you can select Enter Lat/Long and enter the coordinates and then click OK. The location will map to the coordinates and what you may want to do is now clear the coordinates from the Location field and leave it blank or type in the name of the venue. You do not want to update the map link as the location is now mapped so you can enter text you want in the Location field. Here is a link to our help topic on mapping.
  18. Trumba allows the page navigation buttons, either Prev/Next or Buttons you may have uploaded. When you are editing your calendar view, locate the PAGING BUTTONS section and here you can have buttons appear at the top and/or bottom. How to change your navigation buttons
  19. Both the Search and Filter caches are updated every 20 minutes. Often times with a Filter control spud, you can wait 10-minutes or if you take another action on the calendar to force the calendar to refresh, that may be enough to refresh the Filter with the most current changes. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/trumbafaq.aspx#tfaq_tenminutes
  20. The way to do what you want to do would be for two people to Share their calendars with the 3rd person with View and Republish access. This would allow the 3rd person to mix in the calendars, but not edit the events. Calendars can be shared by any Trumba user, both within your own organization or other, outside organizations as long as they have the email address tied to your Trumba account which will allow them the ability to Share one or more calendars with you.
  21. When a person submits an event via the event submission form, they are only submitting the event to a calendar that they think is the most appropriate. When the event is submitted, then you as the event approver, can approve the event and when you are approving the event, you can decide if that event should also appear on one or more calendars on your account by using the Also Shows On. MORE INFORMATION: https://www.trumba.com/help/alsoshow_mixins.aspx#alsoshowson
  22. What you can do is create a Promotion Spud. If you want to show only this event in an Upcoming events promotion spud for example, each promotion spud allows you to set the number of events to display in a promotion spud. You can also set up a Filter View to focus in on just this one event. So then, using a promotion spud along with a filter view parameter, it will force the promotion spud to display just that one event.
  23. The day cannot be changed, and only the time can be changed. What you can do is to copy the event and recreate it and set this up using the correct day and then delete the original repeating event that is incorrect. Repairing Ongoing Events
  24. Trumba allows you to Copy all Publish and Spuds Settings from an existing published calendar to another calendar. Here is a help topic with more information: https://www.trumba.com/help/publish/pub_copystyles.aspx
  25. As a Trumba publisher, you control the settings for the iCal feed for the published calendar. Within Trumba select the published calendar and select Publish>Feeds tab and then select Edit Settings & Styles for the iCal feed. To allow custom field data to be included and appear with the events in Outlook, Google calendar, etc, ensure that "Include Fields in Notes" is set to Yes. With this option set, when calendar visitors subscribe to the calendars iCal feed all of the event data from custom fields will also be included in the Notes field in Outlook and Google calendar.
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